Roger is building the wooden centerboard trunk; it will be made of teak, with three planks on each side, instead of Luke’s two. The boards are connected by pine splines, offset toward the inside of the trunk. The bottom of the trunk is formed into a long tenon, offset toward the outside of the trunk. The logs at the fore and aft of the trunk are of purpleheart. Today the bronze centerboard trunk liner arrived from Thavenet. They welded a broader flange on the base of the trunk so its screws into the keel could be staggered (as specified by Nielsen), rather than in a single row (as constructed). The liner was sealed with rope caulk and loaded with 3 psi of air pressure, to determine whether its pinhole leak was repaired. Tomorrow it will be measured to fit the mortise in the bottom of the keel.
Other status:
- The engine has been cleaned and returned. The engine bed timbers have been repaired and new bronze angles have been fitted to support the engine.
- The new water heater and pressure pump have been ordered.
- The emergency bilge pump has been fitted between floors 22 and 23.
- New keel bolts are fabricated, except for the ones for the ballast keel.
- The engine parts have been ordered and have arrived.
- I have replaced the oil pressure sender and switch, and zinc.
- Several frame ends are complete, but not yet installed.
- Mortise a panel into the bottom of the keel to shield the top of the slot through the ballast keel.
- Install the new thermostat into the engine
- Prime the engine
- Paint the engine bed timbers
- Install a new AC power panel, to control the water heater as well the other shore power loads
- Replace the galvanic isolator with one that fails safe
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